Our Inspiration
"I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly."
John 10:10
We believe that when Jesus spoke the words above, he was talking about ALL of us. That is why we strive to support each person as they realize their hopes and dreams, experiencing an abundant life of joy, meaning, and purpose.
Our Vision
Adults with developmental disabilities have the opportunity to create the life they want in a safe environment where they can discover new friendships and participate in their community.
Our Mission
To embody Christ-centered values by offering high-quality, individualized care in a family setting for adults with profound developmental disabilities so that they may live abundantly.
Our Core Beliefs
We believe every individual is a vital part of the body of Christ.
We believe all interactions should reflect the life of Christ—offering truth, grace and love to one another.
We believe all people should have opportunities to live life to the fullest as determined by the individual.
We believe that care for the whole person includes their physical, social, and spiritual needs.
We believe in collaborating with an individual’s family rather than replacing them in the care of their loved one.

Harbor House Ministries' Beginnings
When it became obvious that housing options were extremely limited for their loved ones, several parents of adult children with intellectual and developmental disabilities met to discuss long-term care.
Early in 2000, these parents and community members formed a Board of Directors who shared the common goal of providing housing where each person could be celebrated and valued as an individual and where each person could be one part of a greater whole—a community. Harbor House Ministries was born.
2004 - Pier Place Opened
2005 - Beacon Place Opened
2007 - Anchor Place Opened
2010 - The Cove Opened
Harbor House continues to value the intentions of our founding families. We understand that family members can be the best advocates for any individual. We work hard to maintain an atmosphere where family is valued and welcome all of the time. We seek not to replace, but to partner with an individual’s family in providing the best care and most enriching community life possible.
Leadership & Staff
Harbor House leadership is an all-volunteer board and paid staff comprised of individuals with diverse experiences. Each member is committed to excellence in service and advocacy.

CARF Certification
We meet licensing and accreditation requirements.
Harbor House Ministries is inspected and accredited by several private and government agencies.
We are licensed by the state of Michigan under LARA.
Our operations are inspected and reviewed by Community Mental Health of Ottawa County.
We are accredited by CARF (Commission of Accreditation of Rehabilitative Facilities).
Harbor House has consistently received a 3-year accreditation—the highest accreditation level awarded.
Life at Harbor House
We believe each person is created by God with purpose and value, each person’s care is tailored to his or her unique abilities and gifts with activities that are purposeful and meaningful to the individual.